New Releases
Aim 3.21 is shipped! Check out the latest improvements.
Hey team, Aim 3.20 is out! What's new? Most of our focus have been on Aim robustness and stability.
Hey community, Aim 3.19 is out!! It's packed with new enhancements, such as Artifacts support, New HTTP-based tracking server.
Hey team, Aim 3.18 is now available! Discover what's new: Metric min/max/first values support in Runs Explorer, SQLAlchemy 2.0 Support
We have moved the Aim 4.0 to a new repo AimOS and reinstated Aim to its previous version.
Discover AimOS: Open-source modular observability for AI systems. Easily log, connect and observe any parts of your AI Systems from experiments to production to prompts to AI system monitoring
🚀 Aim v3.16 is out! Users will be able to view all Run messages right in the UI. Integration of Aim with TensorBoard, Hugging Face Datasets, Acme, Stable-Baselines3.
A retrospective look at the past year! Significant improvements enhanced the functionality and usability of Aim for tracking machine learning experiments for both small and large scale projects.
It’s time to review the 2022. In a year, Aim has become from a cool open-source project into a full-blown product. We have shipped 12 new Aim versions..